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A Retreat Center for Queer People and Our Allies

At The Haus of H we understand the importance of finding a space that accepts and celebrates your unique identity and spiritual practice. We welcome all who have ever felt unwelcome, excluded, or lost on their journey: the Haus of H provides a safe and inclusive environment for all who seek acceptance and belonging, offering retreats and classes designed to guide you on your spiritual journey of self discovery.

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A graduate in Social Work from Rutgers University, Juno is a dedicated advocate for social change with a strong focus on uplifting the queer community. From founding a high school Gay-Straight Alliance to volunteering with Lambda Legal for domestic partnership recognition, Juno has consistently championed inclusivity.

Beyond advocacy, Juno is a seasoned spiritual seeker, having studied esoterica for two decades. This unique blend of social work and spirituality informs Juno's holistic approach to fostering positive change. With a passion for both societal and personal transformation, Juno continues to make a meaningful impact on the journey toward a more inclusive and accepting world.



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